When the ISSA Special Commission on Prevention met in Geneva, Switzerland 28–29 June 2023, the focus was on Vision Zero developments and preparations for the 23rd World Congress for Safety and Health at Work.
Prevention is high on the agenda these days, as Vision Zero continues to grow in importance. Not only does it provide a practical, hands-on approach to implement prevention practices in the workplaces, but it has become an important political and strategic framework. Vision Zero was developed by the ISSA Special Commission on Prevention and first launched at the 21st World Congress for Safety and Health at Work in Singapore in 2017. In connection with the 23rd World Congress for Safety and Health at Work, coming up in Sydney, Australia in November this year, the ambition is to take Vision to the next level.
Vision Zero and the World Congress were therefore naturally at the centre of the agenda during the two-day meeting of the ISSA Special Commission on Prevention. The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) participated to give an update on Accredited Vision Zero Training programme. With this programme, IOSH and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) are developing a strong pool of high-quality trainers on the Vision Zero approach.
At the political level, there were reports on the European Union’s (EU) adoption of the Vision Zero approach in its Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work and recent high-level discussions at the recent EU Occupational Safety and Health Summit in Sweden. At the same time, Vision Zero has been adopted by the Government of Punjab in Pakistan, and a global coalition is working to make sure Vision Zero has a prominent role at the Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan.
The World Congress for Safety and Health – the biggest and most important global event for prevention – is co-organized by the ISSA, and naturally of the highest priority for the Special Commission on Prevention. The ISSA is working on a new website for Vision Zero and a new initiative to unite all the Vision Zero forces, and these will be presented at the World Congress. The International Media Festival for Prevention, which is organized in connection with the World Congress, was also discussed during the meeting. Members of the Special Commission and Vision Zero supporters are well represented at the festival.
During the two-day meeting in Geneva, the ISSA International Prevention Sections that are part of the Special Commission also gave updates on their work, and information was shared on the many activities and events that have taken place and are planned both when it comes to Vision Zero specifically, and prevention more generally.