On 3 May 2023, the Punjab Prevention Strategy on Safety, Health, and Wellbeing at Workplace was launched by the Labour and Human Resource Department (L&HRD) of the Government of Punjab, in a ceremony in Lahore, Pakistan. This newly developed strategical framework promotes a hazard-free work environment, focusing on safety, health, and wellbeing of workers.
This strategy provides a 10-year roadmap for achieving and implementing a prevention culture in the province of Punjab. With the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation, the targets and measures defined in the strategy were developed after comprehensive consultations with industry, labour unions, employers' representatives, civil society, academia, OSH-experts, Government departments and other relevant international partners.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Toseef Dilshad Khatana, L&HRD Deputy Secretary highlighted the importance of this historical achievement. The “Punjab Prevention Strategy on Safety, Health, and Wellbeing at Workplace’ is a new roadmap aimed at implementing and achieving a culture of prevention, in the light of Vision Zero, in the province of Punjab in Pakistan.”
Mr Rao Zahid, Deputy Secertary, LHRD Punjab
Mr Helmut Ehnes, Prevention Expert, DGUV and International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Mr Touseef Dilshad Khatana, Additional Secretary, LHRD, Punjab
Ms Ansa Rabia, Component Manager, GIZ