The ISSA Section on Prevention in Transportation and the ISSA Section on Prevention of Occupational Risks in Health Services are jointly organizing a Symposium on Vision Zero at mobile workplaces at the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
A substantial part of the workforce works at non-stationary workplaces. Transportation workers, home care or delivery personnel and numerous other employees are working, and often are also living, completely self-reliant and in constantly changing environments. What does this mean for their health, safety and wellbeing? How to create a safety culture and ensure their health and wellbeing? Reaching these workers for safety training, for example, can be difficult. Developing standard risk assessments and practical solutions is challenging too.
Five speakers from four countries (Germany, Finland, Ghana, and India) will contribute: Ms Sashikala Chandresakar, India, Mr Matthew Kwaw, Ghana, Mr Kay Schulte, Germany, Ms Miriam Stuckert, Germany, Mr Otto Veijola, Finland
This Symposium is currently scheduled for Wednesday, 29 November.
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