Promoting Vision Zero is a priority for the International Section of the ISSA on Information for Prevention.
With the aim of promoting this transformational approach to prevention that integrates the three dimensions of safety, health and well-being at all levels of work, the Information Section is actively involved in various Vision Zero activities, such as conferences, multimedia and film festival, cooperation and publications. The Information Section has taken part in Vision Zero events in India, Cyprus and the Forum for Prevention in Vienna, Austria.
Together with the Section on Electricity, Gas and Water, it organises the International Multimedia and Film Festival (IMFP). This will take place 27–30 November 2023 at the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Sydney, Australia, and has received a record number of submissions. The Information Section is among other things involved in the Jury responsible for multimedia productions. Furthermore, in cooperation with SafeWork NSW Australia, it is organising the symposium “Reaching the unreached” at this World Congress.
At Expo 2025 in Japan, there will be a theme week on “Health and Wellbeing”, where the section will be involved in the design of the whole event.
In cooperation with the German Embassy in New Delhi, the ISSA Section on Prevention in the Construction Industry, OSH Academy and the German Social Accident Insurance Institution (BG BAU), the Information Section was involved in the set up of the Vision Zero Rating System in India. There are plans to transfer the rating system to Africa.
The edition 7–8/23 of DGUV Forum, the magazine of the DGUV, focuses on Visoin Zero. It provides a unique overview of the status of the Visoin Zero strategy and gives an outlook on where the journey will lead. It informs about the implementation of Vision Zero in Colombia Germany, India, Luxembourg, Pakistan, and in Africa. Safe, socially just and at the same time sustainable supply chains are also a topic, as is the Vision Zero Fund.