One of the highlights of the recent Vision Zero Summit in Helsinki, Finland, was the launch of a new Global Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). The Summit was also a key moment to reflect on successes to date, and outlining a strategy for the future.
The Vision Zero Summit took place in Helsinki, Finland, from 12-14 November 2019, and gathered 200 participants from 30 countries to celebrate and discuss safety, health and well-being at work. The Summit was opened by by-Antti Koivula, Director General of the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health (FIOH). FIOH organized the Summit under the Finnish Presidency of the European Union, and in partnership with the International Social Security Association (ISSA).
The launch of a new Global Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health called for stronger international cooperation and efforts in the area of prevention. It called for developing practical tools and solutions to address occupational risks. Bernd Treichel, Senior Specialist for Prevention from the ISSA, clarified how the Vision Zero approach can support the work of the Global OSH coalition and how it links to ILO Conventions C187 and C 155. Vision Zero can be used as a tool to develop campaigns, support strategies, deliver training and is a practical tool for companies to reduce the exposure to occupational risks.
The three-day Summit centred around exchanging experiences and good practices, as a basis to further develop the Vision Zero strategy, nurturing a holistic mindset on continuous improvement in safety, health and well-being at work. More than 60 speakers and panelists from all continents contributed to making this a rich event in terms of sharing ideas and perspectives, and for strengthening professional networks.
In connection with the Summit, a site visit was organized to the construction site of the Finnish company, SRV Rakennus Oy, which is actively using the Vision Zero approach.
Vision Zero Summit: https://www.ttl.fi/visionzero19/