This is a small version of the activities performed and upcoming on behalf of the Vision Zero promotion in Latin America. They are presented from the nearest in time to the further and also the upcoming events.
2-3 May, 2024 Cartagena, Colombia.
This year we had the X Congreso Internacional de Innovación en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, in Cartagena Colombia. In this event (this is the 10th version) we have a dedicated space where we renew the / 7 Golden Rules and wave the flag and also recognize companies in Colombia that have embraced and implemented e Vision Zero global strategy.

Innovative ways of podcasting Visio Zero experiences
Developed a various Video Podcast where we portrait Global Vision Zero strategy as part of cultural transformation in Work Health and Safety.

27 April 2024 Barranquilla, Colombia.
World Day for Safety and Health at work and IV Vision Zero Days - Universidad del Norte and Universidad Libre, Barranquilla, Colombia
27 June 2024, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
6th Convention of Líderes para Líderes.
For the first time in Santo Domingo with an event like this that was attended by more than 150 persons representative of the industries, academia, government and principal industries. In this event we also had a Vision Zero presentation on the initiative and explain and renovate and demonstrate our commitment to the seven Golden Rules.
18-20 June, Cúcuta, Colombia
Embracement and renovation of the Seven Golden Rules of Vision Zero at the start of the programme “Líderes que Salvan Vidas” in one of the largest mining companies

5-6 September, 2024, Barranquilla Colombia VII Convención de Líderes para Líderes.
In this event we congregate around 300 people among CEO´s and General Managers of the main companies and speak on Leadership and Culture applied to their companies and how to integrate those in daily activities. Also, we will have a special presentation on Vision Zero with emphasis on Rule No. 1 “Take leadership – demonstrate commitment” as well as a renovation of Vision Zero rules.
26 April 2023 Barranquilla, Colombia.
World Day on Safety and Health at work and IV Vision Zero Days - Universidad del Norte and Universidad Libre, Barranquilla, Colombia

25-26 May 2023 Cartagena, Colombia.
Vision Zero Workshops

5 October 2024, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Partnering with a local Non-Profit Association dedicated to enhance the risk awareness and wellbeing for principally Latin America immigrant workers we will hold a conference on the principles of Vision Zero and also spread the word on the initiative.
12 December 2023,Vision Zero in COTECMAR, largest Shipyard in Colombia

25 October 2024, Montería. Positiva Compañía de Seguros
With PSITIVA Compañía de Seguros (largest ARL in Colombia) we have been in various cities in Colombia spreading Vision Zero strategy to multiple companies from all industry groups.
20 October 2024, Medellín. Zijin Continental Gold
Vision Zero Workshops
Zijin Continental Gold mine in Colombia also embraces Vision Zero concepts.
In a nutshell we have disseminated the initiative in many places in Latin America as can be seen summarized in the following image.
In 2025 we will continue including Vision Zero in all ASONAP HSE events.
We will wave stronger and with more energy the Vision Zero flag in Latin America.
In the XI Congreso d de Innovación en SST, May 29 y 30 in Cartagena de Indias Colombia we have allocated one hour for the ISSA and Vison Zero that would like to present innovations in Vision Zero and also participate in a panel dedicated to the initiative. Simultaneous translation will be available, of course. Also, a very well-designed stand is strongly suggested.
Increase our presence in several countries, companies and universities as well as government offices presenting the strategies, dimensions and 7 golden rules of Vision Zero.
We will include technology and Innovation to the massive spread of the Seven Golden Rules strategy that allow to an easy evaluation of the compliance and maturity of Vision Zero in any organization.
Involvement of scientific societies, labour risk management (ARL), contractor companies, universities and communities in the implementation of Vision Zero.
We at ASONAP HSE believe that we can do more for the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and Vision Zero and that is why we appreciate the consideration of being part of the proposed Network Exchange Group.
We can be also the training and certification provider for Latin America and help translating the material that is not in Spanish yet and suggesting modifications to the existing ones to fit better the Spanish speaking population.