The VISION ZERO campaign now includes a brand new set of indicators for safety, health and well-being at work guide on. The free-to-download Proactive Leading Indicators guide is presented today in a virtual launch event organized by the International Social Security Association (ISSA).
The ISSA offers the indicators guide as a free supplementary tool for every organization and company committed to VISION ZERO, be they advanced or beginners, large or small, local or international. The indicators can be used internally to improve the safety, health and wellbeing of employees, towards external business relations and supply chains, or for benchmarking purposes.
By initiating this prevention project and publishing the results, the ISSA is following up on the great success of the VISION ZERO prevention strategy and its 7 Golden Rules. We are pleased to report a remarkable growth of the global VISION ZERO community since it was launched at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health in Singapore, 2017. More than 11 000 companies, organizations and occupational safety and health (OSH) trainers have committed to VISION ZERO, coming from all over the world, from all industrial branches and from all company sizes.
The indicators were developed by sourcing information and evidence from leading VISION ZERO organizations, scientific literature, publications from other reputable sources (e.g. national agencies, industry), and the expertise and experience available in the project team and steering committee. A draft set of seven proactive leading indicator factsheets was developed and widely communicated, and feedback was obtained via an online survey with response from companies and organizations in more than 20 countries and 20 sectors. The indicators and fact sheets were adapted and revised, and a second draft set of 14 indicators was developed and discussed with the steering committee.
The guide is being translated into French, German, Japanese and Spanish to begin with, and further discussions on the use of the Proactive Leading Indicators will be held at the World Congress Digital Meeting in October 2020.