Photo: Superintendecia de Riesgos del Trabajo (SRT)
On 7 March 2018, Vision Zero was officially launched in Argentina with the participation of Mr Hans Horst Konkolewsky, Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and Mr Guillermo Arancibia, General Manager of the Superintendecia de Riesgos del Trabajo (SRT) from Argentina.
The launch took place in the context of the Seminar “Towards a culture of prevention: Security, Health and Work”. During his presentation of Vision Zero, Mr Konkolewsky reminded the importance of prevention, of having legislation and policies to improve the working conditions, and highlighted that focus must be on people and their wellbeing. On his side, Mr Arancibia stressed the importance of dealing with risks and improving prevention work.
To close the Seminar and in the presence of over 250 representatives from unions, companies, chambers, guilds, other international organizations and governmental agencies the SRT became a partner of the campaign and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ISSA to promote the Vision Zero concept in Argentina.