The Lagos State Government, through the Lagos State Safety Commission, will host this conference with the theme "a mindset change towards zero harm".
Lagos Vision Zero aims at inculcating a mindset that all injuries and ill health arising from work are preventable. This calls for a paradigm shift at every level of an Organization, from one of fault finding to one that focuses on finding solutions to prevent injuries and ill health.
Health life for employees in our future world of work is becoming challenging, complex and fact paced. In the of same vein, the link between work environment and employees health is getting stronger. In order to improve employee’s health and ensure that they can work longer and live healthier. The interconnected issues of occupational Safety, Health and Well-being are best managed in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
The integrated relationship involves the working together of employees and employer’s continually to sustain, protect and promote each others on Safety, Health and Well-being in the work place.
There is so much we can do to make Vision Zero work across all sectors of our economy and at all levels of our workforce on this challenging journey towards “Vision Zero” we can only learn from each other. Let us make our workplace the safest and healthiest place, so that every workers in Lagos State and Nigeria at large can go home safely and healthy every day.